Boost CalFresh Benefits to $50 Monthly Minimum

More than an estimated five million Californians just experienced a devastating cut to their CalFresh benefits when federally funded emergency (pandemic) allotments ended in March 2023. The average CalFresh household lost $163 per month. More than one in 10 households saw their benefits slashed from $281 to $23 per month. Increasing the minimum CalFresh benefit is one way to help mitigate this loss. California can — and should — join the
several other states that have already taken this action to help prevent poverty and food insecurity.

  1. Legislative Action

    Supplement federal funding to guarantee a minimum CalFresh benefit of $50 per month.

  2. Index the higher minimum monthly amount to the Consumer Price Index for Food at Home to ensure future benefit levels will track with the cost of food.

Cosponsors: CA Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, Hunger Action Los Angeles
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Jared Call
Senior Advocate

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