Boost CalFresh Benefits to $50 Monthly Minimum
More than an estimated five million Californians just experienced a devastating cut to their CalFresh benefits when federally funded emergency (pandemic) allotments ended in March 2023. The average CalFresh household lost $163 per month. More than one in 10 households saw their benefits slashed from $281 to $23 per month. Increasing the minimum CalFresh benefit is one way to help mitigate this loss. California can — and should — join the
several other states that have already taken this action to help prevent poverty and food insecurity.
Legislative Action
Supplement federal funding to guarantee a minimum CalFresh benefit of $50 per month.
Index the higher minimum monthly amount to the Consumer Price Index for Food at Home to ensure future benefit levels will track with the cost of food.
Cosponsors: CA Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, Hunger Action Los Angeles
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