SB 499 Fact Sheet

School meals can help students get the food they need to learn and grow, while also offering a major support to families struggling to make ends meet. California has seen improvements in access to school meals, but two major barriers persist – stigma and quality of food.

SB 499 Fact Sheet (Spanish)

Comidas escolares pueden ayudar a estudiantes obtener los alimentos necesarios para aprender y crecer, mientras también ofrecen apoyo a las familias que luchan para sobrevivir. California ha visto mejorías en el acceso a comidas escolares, pero dos barreras importantes persisten- estigma y la calidad de los alimentos.

SB 285 Fact Sheet (English & Spanish)

CalFresh is our largest and most effective nutrition and anti-poverty program. However, there are nearly 2 million Californians who are eligible for CalFresh—but not receiving benefits. And only 19 percent of eligible seniors participate in the program. We can, and must, do better.

Summer Hunger in California

Nearly two million children across California live in poverty: their families struggle meet basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. When school is out, many children lose access to a critical source of nutritious, affordable meals. The loss of school meals, especially for children living in poverty, can increase the risk of hunger and food insecurity.

Lost Dollars, Empty Plates 2019

This Lost Dollars, Empty Plates analysis examines the effect that increased participation in CalFresh would have on state, local, and household budgets.

Access to Food in Early Care Continues to Decline

The CACFP is an important component of child care. At its core, it is a nutrition program that provides funding for healthy meals and snacks served to children in early care and other authorized facilities. In addition to making early care programs healthier, more affordable for low-income families, and more financially sustainable for providers, the CACFP is also linked to improved quality of care.

2018 State Legislative Review: Progress!

While we remain vigilant in our federal advocacy to protect the anti-hunger safety net, some great progress was made to increase access to affordable, nutritious food through 2018 California legislation!

Immigrant Families & Food Insecurity

PerryUndem, in partnership with California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA), conducted two focus groups with Latinx parents in mixed-immigration-status families and one focus group with service providers who work with the Asian Pacific Islander (API) immigrant community.

Factsheet: SSI CalFresh Expansion

Factsheet Prepared by CFPA: Opportunities to Improve CalFresh Enrollment PDF

New Policy Brief: Drinking Water Access in Schools

Children spend substantial time in schools, and many arrive at school inadequately hydrated. Excellent access to drinking water in schools encourages the

Brief: Student Access to Meals in Charter Schools

A brief & data analysis examining equitable access to school meals. PDF

Farm Bill Fact Sheet: Prevent Punitive “Work Requirements”

HR 2, the House Farm Bill, proposes to massively expand counterproductive and punitive “work requirements” for CalFresh recipients.

Farm Bill Fact Sheet: Preserve Heat and Eat

Factsheet prepared by CFPA. PDF

Farm Bill Fact Sheet: Protect Categorical Eligibility

Factsheet prepared by CFPA. PDF

Farm Bill Fact Sheet: CalFresh and Children in Every Congressional District

Informational resources for impact of CalFresh on children in congressional districts. Link

Nutrition Action Alert 2.8.18

Nutrition Action Alert: New Congressional District Farm Bill Fact Sheets link

Better Together: Optimizing Nutrition Access During the Earliest Years

From breastfeeding to picky toddlers—the responsibility of making sure your little one has a tummy full of healthy food can be challenging and carries great weight. All moms feel these pressures, and all too often low-income mothers face additional challenges to accessing healthy foods for their young families.

Is California Ready for the New CACFP Meal Pattern?

Policy brief with recommendations for supporting the nutritional needs of low-income children. PDF

Farm Bill Fact Sheet: CalFresh in Every Congressional District

Informational resources for impact of CalFresh on congressional districts. Link

Fact Sheet: CA Fruit & Vegetable EBT Pilot

Factsheet prepared by CFPA PDF

Fund Food With Care 2019

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA PDF

Leveraging Healthy Meals in Child Care

1.18.2018 Serving healthy meals in child care is essential to supporting the health and development of California’s youngest learners, but not all children have access.

Fact Sheet: Invest in School Breakfast

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA PDF

AB 1871 Factsheet

A factsheet developed by CFPA. PDF

SB 900 Fact Sheet

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA PDF
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