After School Programs and Meals Brief

Across California, low-income, working families are struggling to meet their basic needs. Most of the 2.1 million California children living in poverty are in working families. After school programs support these families by providing healthy foods and a safe place for children to learn and be active while their parents work.

Program Access Index (PAI) 2017

Measuring County Specific CalFresh Performance in 2015 link

Back to School, Back to Basics

A brief about inequity in public schools and meeting students’ needs in order for them learn, grow, and succeed PDF

School Breakfast: Reducing Absenteeism & Supporting Success

Policy brief on school breakfast as a support for student attendance and success link

Increasing CalFresh Participation through Medi-Cal In-Reach

Report by SF-Marin Food Bank and the Alliance to Transform CalFresh PDF

School's Out…Who Ate? 2017

A Report on Summer Nutrition in California link

Summer Hunger & Immigrant Families

California Food Policy Advocates, working with PerryUndem, conducted four focus groups with Latino parents of children who participate in low-cost or free school breakfast and lunch programs. All parents in this study are either in mixed status families or are themselves undocumented.

Just Released: School's Out…Who Ate? 2017

6.13.2017 For many, summertime brings up picturesque images of sunshine, fun and relaxation. For California’s low-income kids, however, summer may come with a burden.

Early Access to Healthy Foods: Trends in California’s Child and Adult Care Food Program 2010 to 2016

CFPA analysis of data over a six-year span to evaluate CACFP access and participation trends. PDF

SB 782 Fact Sheet

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA. PDF

Invest in Safe Water Fact Sheet

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA PDF

Child Care Cuts Hurt Access to Healthy Foods

3.20.2017 Working families with young children in California have diminishing access to a nutrition program, the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), which reimburses child care providers for serving healthy meals

AB 164 Fact Sheet

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA PDF

SB 138 Fact Sheet

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA. PDF

SB 138's Equity Impact

Fact Sheet prepared by CFPA. PDF

New Policy Brief: Water in California

12.22.2016 Today, CFPA released a new policy brief that presents policy recommendations to increase water access and improve water quality for low-income Californians.

Southern California Child Care Case Studies and Survey Highlights

12.19.2016 Today, CFPA is releasing survey findings and child care case studies that highlight ways in which family child care homes in Southern California are supporting child nutrition.

Lost Dollars, Empty Plates 2016

The impact of CalFresh on California’s state and local economies link

Program Access Index (PAI) 2016

Measuring County Specific CalFresh Performance in 2014 link

Water Access Policy Scan

12.06.2016 A policy scan documenting policy options for increasing water access and improving water quality in schools and other community settings. XLS

Count me in! Paperless Enrollment in School Meals

12.01.2016 CFPA recently guest-blogged on Partnership for Children and Youth’s Community Schools Network blog about the connection between community schools’s comprehensive support for students and Medicaid Direct Certification

Seniors and the CalFresh Medical Expense Deduction

Policy Opportunities to Increase Nutrition Benefits for Low-Income Seniors in California PDF

Screening and Interventions for Food Insecurity in Health Care 2016

A report on food insecurity screening and intervention practices in California PDF

High Impact Nutrition Standards, Feasible for Use in Family Child Care 2016

A policy brief introducing nutrition standards for family child care PDF

High Impact Nutrition Standards

08.18.2016 Today, CFPA released a fact sheet introducing high impact nutrition standards that account for the practical realities faced by licensed family child care home providers.
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