Webinar: Summer Hunger & Immigrant Families

Published on Jun 30, 2017 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children

6.30.2017 Webinar recording and slides are now available! This summer, low-income students from immigrant families, face increased risk of going hungry. With schools letting out for the summer, many children will lose access to the nutritious meals that schools provide. In locations where summer meal programs are available, there is concern that immigrant families may be less likely to show up due to heightened immigration enforcement concerns. View the webinars to learn about:

  • Barriers to participation in summer meal programs for children from immigrant families
  • Actions that you can take now to promote and create supportive and welcoming summer meal environments for immigrant families
  • Policy and program opportunities to foster safe spaces for immigrant families at summer meal sites and beyond

Full webinar and slides VIDEO | PDF


  • Latino Children + Summer Meal Programs: Insights from Latino Parents in Mixed Status Families, PerryUndem VIDEO | PPT
  • Impact of Changes in Immigration on Food Bank Clients in Alameda County, Alameda County Community Food Bank VIDEO | PPT
  • Addressing Immigration Concerns at Summer Meal Sites in San Diego, San Diego Hunger Coalition VIDEO | PPT
  • A Discussion of Immigrants and Summer Foods: Best Practices & Internal Policies, California Immigrant Policy Center VIDEO | PPT
  • Policy Opportunities: Safe Spaces at Summer Meal Sites and Beyond, California Food Policy Advocates VIDEO | PPT

For more information about summer hunger in California: link

For more information about the current environment’s impacts on access to public health services for immigrant families, see the Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative survey: PDF

Find a summer meal site link

Questions? Contact Anna Colby at 213.482.8200 ext. 204




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